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Tentoura Syrup
TENTOURA CASTRO is deconstructed and becomes syrup!
The result is the original creation of TENTOURA SYRUP with no alcohol, which maintains the harmonious coexistence of the cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, Chios mastic and citrus fruit extracts and the other ingredients in TENTOURA CASTRO liqueur, while also standing apart from the alcoholic products that are traditionally produced by the TENTOURA CASTRO – G.P HAHALIS Distillery.
TENTOURA CASTRO is the only Tentoura liqueur that contains 100% natural cinnamon extracts, which laboratory (in vitro) studies that were undertaken by the Democritus University of Thrace, in cooperation with our distillery, demonstrated antioxidant and anticancer activity, in the research Project entitled “Use of organic active essential oils in the production of alcoholic drinks and confectionery products with potential health benefits”.
TENTOURA CASTRO SYRUP is ideal for adding the superb flavour and aroma of TENTOURA CASTRO to your ice cream, sweets, sauces, salads or hot beverages.